jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

HIV/AIDS prevalence in Chile

Aims: HIV/AIDS are very important problems in our times and it is necessary to know more about this for prevention.
In this study I’m going to analyze the incidence of HIV/AIDS in man and women in Chile.  

Methods: Statistics in cases notification by sex of HIV and AIDS in Chile between  2006 and 2008 with 2308 cases notifications of HIV and 1705 of AIDS.

Results: The total of notifications of HIV in 2006 was 765 cases -73.3% men and 26.7% in women- in 2007 was 712 – 77.2% men and 22.7% women- and 831 in 2008.
The total of cases notifications of AIDS in 2006 was 416 cases -86.5% men and 13.5 women- in 2007 was 595 – 83% men and 17% women- and 694 in 2008 - 83.9% men and 16.1% women.

Conclusions: The data analysis show a different between the prevalence of HIV and AIDS because the HIV positive people not always have AIDS this occurs when the level of B lymphocytes (the essential objective of the HIV) lower than 200 per ml of blood and this prevalence of HIV and AIDS are not related for example between 2006 and 2007 the cases of HIV decrease but the cases of AIDS increase.
We can see than the cases of HIV/AIDS increase with the time if we see the cases of previous years are lower than these years.
The cases notification in men is greater than the cases of women this can be for the different behaviours between the genders.

Keywords: HIV, AIDS, Prevalence, cases notifications

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